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Total Dessert  滔滔甜品




Kerry, the shop owner, grew up in Sai Wan has witnessed the change in the district. The vintage interior and Chinese traditional desserts have preserved the invaluable human interaction in this technological era.  

Q1. 店舖營業了多久?How long has the restaurant been opened ? 


兩年。Two years.

Q2. 你們的裝修靈感是來自甚麼?What is the style of your interior design and what are the inspirations behind? 




The style here is kind of antique. It is like herbal tea shops in the old days. You can see the radios and specially-laid floor tiles here. 

Q3. 為什麼選擇在這一區開舖? Why did you choose to open the restaurant in this district?




This area belongs to the Sai Wan old district, where old and new things blend. It is close to the university, and I hope more young people will visit here and make the district more popular. I grew up here and this is where I studied at the secondary school and university, so I feel attached to this place. I think this area is really nice and I have met a lot of neighbors.  

Q4. 平時最主要是甚麼人來光顧?What is the main source of customers? 




On weekdays, usually the residents nearby will come, while for Saturdays and Sundays, people not coming from this district might come. We are familiar with our neighbours and will chat with them. 

Q5. 你覺得西環的變化大嗎? Has Sai Wan undergone big changes? 




Yes, the biggest change is in the shops and people. There have been a lot of new buildings. Many familiar shops were also gone, like the electrical appliance store, dim sum store and the fast food store at Bonham Road that sold fried drumstick set meals at 5 dollars thirty years ago.

Q6. 你們繼續經營甜品舖最大的動力是甚麼?What gives you the strongest motivation in running this dessert shop?




Being able to chat with customers. There was one customer that once came frequently and we felt sad when he had to emigrate as we had built up our ties. 

The everyday greeting and chatting leave the deepest impression on me, because we are like best friends and we often see each other. We chat face-to-face and the real life interaction and connection between us is even more invaluable nowadays in the technological era. 

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