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Neighbourhood Kitchen Meal Preparation Project

In November, 4 volunteers contributed 12 hours to design a tasty & nutritious menu for 50 beneficiaries.


Chef's feedback




The recipe

Scrambled Eggs with Minced Dace and Chicken 


Main Ingredients: 

Egg, Chicken thigh, Minced dace, Green beans, Condiment

Cooking steps: 

1. Marinate the Chicken thigh with condiment. 

2. Prepare the green beans, vegetables &e gg for later use. 

3. Pan-fry the minced dace & cut. 

4. Stir-fry chicken thigh with vegetables & beans. 

5. Stir-fry the product with minced dace & egg. 

Nutritional Value

- Colorful & appetizing for children 

- Egg, chicken thigh and minced dace have rich proteins that boost satiety, for children's growth & immunity

- Beans & veggie have rich dietary fibre for intestine health


(We usually do not consider nutrition when designing menu.)


(We could feel that the recipe we use this time has incorporated knowledge of nutritional science. Our menu before was quite simple, but now we have fish and chicken, which is very abundant.)

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