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Tak Lai Eeatery 德麗食店



The "two-dishes meal box" set off a wave recently. Tak Lai Eatery, treating students like their daughters and sons, keep its faith by providing simple home-cooked dishes over the past 10 years. 

Q1. 為甚麼會參加食物券計劃? Why did you join the Food Coupon Scheme?


Because I want to help people to enjoy daily meals with two to three different dishes everyday, at the same time, it is helping me as well.    

Q2. 你地最受歡迎的菜色是甚麼?What is the most popular food here?


The elderly like fish and steak. The signature dishes are fish cake, chicken chop, pork chop, and salmon. People who have weaker teeth prefer vegetables. 

Q3. 這裏開業多久了?How long has it been running? 


We have run the shop for more than 10 years. I have witnessed the changes taking place in Sai Wan like there was no MTR before but now we have. It is more convenient for residents here to leave the district and travel around. It makes it easier for us to leave for work too. But it doesn’t help with our business as it only brings people out but not in.  Also, there are fewer empty shops here as compared to the past. It might be a good thing, but not for me as the competition grows. 

Q4. 店鋪的主要客群是甚麼?Who are the customers mostly?



Most of the customers are students. They are very polite and nice, like our own sons or daughters. We can feel the love from them. 

Q5. 為甚麼選擇在喜歡開店?Why did you choose Sai Wan to run your shop?


講緣分,我們以前在西灣河開店,但我們嫌西灣河那邊太遠,想不到最後來到這裏更遠了,真的是緣份使然。西灣河的人流比較旺,甚麼年紀的人都有,這裏就大多是老人家和學生。這裏最初也有很多辦公室, 例如西環大樓,不過後來搬遷,變成住宅區,所以這邊的人流也少了許多。


It’s all about fate. We had our restaurant in Sai Wan Ho before, but we thought that it was too far so we decided to move here. It turned out it was even farther here. It’s all about fate indeed. Sai Wan Ho has a greater flow of people and in all age groups while in here, there are more elderly and students. At the beginning, there were many office buildings like Western Court, but it moved and there have been fewer now. Now the lands are mostly for residential purposes and the flow of people is less. 

Q6. 疫情對你們來說有甚麼影響?What are the impacts of the pandemic on your restaurant?




We need to close at 6pm before but luckily the neighbors are still supporting. We cooperate with different churches in meal delivery like St. Barnabas’ Society and Home. We cook with our hearts and we care about food quality and nutrition. We maintain a healthy relationship with other restaurants as well. We have been so grateful to everyone’s support to us, especially the students. They are very polite, they compliment the food, say ‘Thanks for the hard work!’, ‘Thank you!’, and promise to come back, and it keeps us motivated to continue with what we are doing. We would not miss a day of opening the restaurant, even though we feel sick as we are worried customers who always come here would find it difficult to find something else to eat. We usually close on Sundays and it closed additionally only once when I got scalded by hot water and was hospitalized for a week. We felt sorry for the neighbors. 

Q7. 在西環最不捨得的東西是甚麼?What would be the thing you miss the most working here?




We would miss the neighbours and customers the most. In the past, some students who ate here came from Shanghai and Tianjin and they would share with us stories about their studies and hometowns. Some of them stayed here to get married and buy flats and they visited us with their children. Some came to see us before they left. They felt like family to me and they treated here as home. They would tell us what they had planned for the following night such as dining out. Even though we do not make a lot of money, we feel happy and we treasure all of these.

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